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COVID-19 vaccine registry

We’ve launched a COVID-19 vaccine registry. Here’s how you can help.

As COVID-19 continues to affect nations throughout the world, many teams are working on developing safe and effective vaccines to protect against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). 

Rigorous testing, contact tracing, symptom tracking, and strict quarantine procedures can help stop the spread of COVID-19 if implemented effectively. However, until enough of the population is immune to the virus so that they cannot pass it on (either through ‘herd immunity’ or widespread vaccination), there will always be the risk of new outbreaks of the disease. 

You can learn more about the importance of a COVID-19 vaccine here.

As we move forward in the fight against COVID-19, we have decided to create a registry for all COVID Symptom Study app users who are interested in participating in vaccine trials and other preventative treatments in the future. 

Though we won’t be running these studies, having citizen scientists ready to participate will be incredibly valuable to research teams working on vaccines and other simple preventive treatments.

How can you join the registry?

You can join the registry directly through your COVID Symptom Study app.

First, make sure that your app is updated to the latest version. When you next open it up you will be shown a screen asking if you are interested in being contacted when a relevant study becomes available. Select ‘Yes, I am interested’.

We will not share your details with anyone, but will alert you when a relevant study becomes available.

Anyone can join this registry, but we aim to prioritise contacting those who have been regularly using the COVID Symptom Study app.

Please continue to share the app with friends, family, and your local community and encourage them to add their name to our vaccine registry so that we can win the fight against COVID-19.

If you are interested in learning more about vaccine registries through the NIHR, please click here.

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