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Tag: Swift Boxes


Swift Box

Luxury Apartments now available

The first of many luxury apartments are now available and have just been opened for viewing in Stinchcombe. Eco friendly with locally sourced timbers and a natural slate roof.

These desirable apartments come fully furnished, with no rent and wonderful views of the countryside. Suitable for high flyers who are only in this country for a few months of the year.

Built by the Stinchcombe Swift Housing Association

No Waiting list, No onward Chain. A Must See.

Swift Box Feather Bed
A “REAL” feather bed to add that “Extra Luxury” feel

The sensible bit!

The first nine residences were made and supplied just before the end of the nesting season this year. Twelve more are on the order books and will be made once the cedar or larch has been delivered. There is no rush but it is hoped to have the second batch made this summer, ready for installation before the nesting period early next year.

Each home comes with an information leaflet with details of fixing and the best places to locate them.

John Brown has designed and made two sound systems that emulate the call of the birds, to tempt them to move onto Stinchcombe. These will be available on loan.

Multiple boxes are encouraged as the birds enjoy nesting close to each other. Further details and orders from John Pinch 07779 87 27 11

Stinchcombe Loves Swifts

Stinchcombe Loves Swifts

Give a Swift a welcome home in Stinchcombe

Swifts Boxes

John Pinch, Derek Crocker and Plamedi have been busy constructing the first batch of swift boxes, designed by John.

These have been snapped up already and John has ordered materials to make more. John Brown has come up with a cheaper version of the swift call system used in North Nibley. Hurrah for Stinchcombe ingenuity!

The aim is to get the first boxes up before it is too late for this year.  We hope this will be an ongoing project, building from year to year.

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