A History of the Village
Revisiting Stinchcombe WI’s 1957 History

Stinchcombe History Society has published its first book. In 1957, Stinchcombe Women’s Institute produced an excellent history of the village, which few current residents have seen.
We’re celebrating its 65th anniversary, in what has turned out to be a landmark year, by reproducing it with lots of new material. This has the dual function of adding to the history from our own research and bringing the record of village life bang up to date. Read about the built environment and surroundings, working and social life, the church, education, agriculture, ghost stories and more. Our additions are in coloured inset boxes, easily distinguishable from the original text.
The History of the Village of Stinchcombe 1857-2022 is still on sale, priced at £10 plus postage. It is a 116-page, perfect-bound paperback packed with illustrations, both old and new.
Janice Cole, Chair of the Gloucestershire Federation of Women’s Institutes, has kindly written a new foreword.
Purchase your copy from Kath Hudson kathhudson66@gmail.com or Trudy Chinn trudychinn@googlemail.com . We are happy to hand deliver within the village or from ebay by the link below.
Perhaps in years to come grandchildren will leaf through your dog-eared copy and marvel at life in the Olden Days.