St Cyrs Church

About St Cyrs Church
The Building
The earliest mention of a church in Stinchcombe is in the Berkeley manuscripts: ‘the Church of Cam with the Chapel of Stinchcombe was granted to the Abbot of St Peter’s at Gloucester in 1156 by Robert Berkeley’. None of this early building remains, but the tower and porch of the present day church date from 1630.
The current church is grade 2* listed and is built of local stone. An extensive restoration of the building was begun in 1854. It was funded by the local landowner and incumbent Sir George Prevost, the Revd. Isaac Williams and others, all participants in the revivalist Oxford Movement. The work was carried out in the Tractarian tradition by the architect J.L.Pearson. The new building was consecrated on 26th July 1855. The Church has many fine features: stained glass windows, a reredos and the organ in a fine oak case. There are several beautiful table-top tombs in the churchyard. A full history of the Church is available to buy when you visit the Church. It is open everyday during daylight hours, generally 10am-4pm.
Worship at St Cyrs
St Cyr’s is in a benefice with St George’s Cam in the Diocese of Gloucester. At St Cyr’s our Sunday Eucharist on the 2nd and 4th Sundays is from Common Worship using contemporary language. We also hold Book of Common Prayer services which are twice monthly Evensong on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. The 5th Sundays are benefice Eucharist services alternating with St George’s Cam. . For full details of the times and dates of all our regular services please visit the benefice website
There are also a number of special services throughout the year. This can include a very popular Animal Service held in the church field in summer, a candlelit Carol Service, and a Nativity Service for children. Again please see the calendar for details.
The PCC, or Parochial Church Council is the executive committee of a Church of England parish. The PCC consists of clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the congregation. It has its origins in the vestry committee, which looked after both religious and secular matters in a parish. The minister in charge of the parish and the PCC have a duty to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish. To co-operate in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the church: pastoral, faith-sharing, social and working with other churches. This includes almost everything to do with the church’s work in the parish, and its relationship with the deanery and the diocese. It is also is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the church, churchyard and moveable objects.
As well as being responsible for the care and upkeep of the church, churchyard and moveable items, the PCC is the beneficial owner of the church field find opposite the Church building. It has overall charge of all expenditure.
All the members are Trustees of the church. The PCC is a body corporate, which means that it is a separate body from the people who serve on it. PCC members are also trustees, which entails various responsibilities under charity law. Our safeguarding policy is on our website and details of who to contact if you have any concerns are there along with our privacy notice.
At present the Vicar, Rev Fiona Crocker chairs this Council, and it has the clergy on it as ex-officio members with the 2 church wardens, Mrs Pippa Leggate and Mr Michael Hill and 4 other members of the laity. Our PCC secretary is Mrs Wendy Hamilton. Any queries or questions can be emailed or directly to the Vicar ( see the contact details on the website for details)
Friends of St Cyrs
The Friends of St.Cyrs was formed in 2006 to advance the Christian religion by contributing to maintain, restore, improve and reconstruct the fabric of St Cyr’s Church. Members are made up from the congregation, those from the wider population of the village who wish to support the church in this way, and those with past connections with the church or village.
Mailing List
Please join our benefice email list if you would like to be kept informed of events & services by following this link from our website.
We now hold services in church. We follow Guidance from the Government, the Church of England and the Diocese of Gloucester.
All are welcome, the guidelines mean distancing, wearing masks when inside and the use of hand sanitisers / handwashing at time of writing this but visit our website for up to date information or give us a call, 017817021196.
On-line Worship
Please visit our Facebook page or Youtube channel for our services.