Should Stinchcombe Parish Council declare a Climate Emergency?
A Parish Question
Our Parish Clerk recently had an email from the Carbon Neutral 2030 team at Stroud DC asking whether we’ve declared a climate emergency. We haven’t, unlike a considerable number of town and parish councils in Stroud District. Even some very small parishes have taken this step e.g. Standish PC (population 250) way back in November 2019.
It could be seen as an empty gesture or jumping on the band wagon but has the potential to be so much more than that. Declaring an emergency can be a catalyst for action but we need to have clear ideas on what to do. A district council in Devon has put together a useful resources pack for town and parish councils. What is striking is how many of the suggested actions link to things you’ve already told the parish council you’re concerned about:
Planning – objecting to proposals like that for a large development on Taits Hill Rd that would not be good for the climate or environment and supporting low carbon/Green projects
Footpaths – keeping our footpaths open and in good order to encourage walking
Highways – tackling issues like speeding, drainage, frequent burst water mains and footway/cycleway provision to our make roads safer for everyone
Stinchcombe would have plenty of support to build on its declaration and put climate action at the heart of village life. Wotton Area Climate Action Network is a lively, well-established group with lots of advice and events. Transition Stroud provides a network for people and groups in Stroud District working towards a low carbon lifestyle.
So what do you think as residents?
Please use the comments facility below to let the Parish Council know or contact the clerk.
Kath Hudson
1 Comment
I think this is a great idea Kath because only together can we make a difference, no matter how small. Encouraging walking to local shops, using footpaths for exercise, promoting footpaths like the proposed Heritage Walk through the village, reducing traffic speed are all things to be considered. I know there will be many more initiatives.