Church Warden’s Report from St Cyr’s – December 2024/January 2025
As usual in November two services of Remembrance were held at St Cyr’s church with the All-Souls service at 6pm on the Sunday 3rd November to honour and give thanks for those who have departed this life and the Remembrance Day services on Sunday 10th November to remember those who gave their lives to our country during the World Wars. Once again, we gathered by the War memorial for a short service to honour those who died with a two-minute silence marked by the bugler and the immortal words “We will remember them.” The names of the fallen were read out by Howard Cordle and the poppy wreath was laid by Albert Wyatt whose uncle lost his life in the First World War. Maintaining such poignant family links in Stinchcombe is important and it was good to see so many members of the village present. A special Holy Communion service then followed in the church.
Meanwhile it’s hard to believe that once again Christmas is fast approaching, and it will soon be that wonderful time of the year when we celebrate the birth of Jesus! In preparation, we look forward to Advent and to the services that tell the story of the arrival of the son of God.
With our smart new Notice Board at St Cyr’s firmly in place, we hope that you will have no difficulty in knowing what is taking place over the next couple of months!
Please note in anticipation of Christmas there are several dates at St Cyr’s church to mark in your diary as follows:
Sunday 1st December 6pm – Advent Evensong at St Cyr’s church
Sunday 15th December 5pm – Candlelight Carol Service followed by mince pies and mulled wine. Prior to the Carol service, the Scratch Choir will meet for several practice sessions, please contact Jayne Kirkham if you are interested in joining.
Saturday 21st December 10.30 a.m – 12 noon – Christmas Coffee Morning.
All are welcome to enjoy the festive decorations, Christmas cookies and coffee in aid of St Cyr’s church plus a special Book sale and Raffle. Also there will be a highlight on the new leaflet that focuses on “St Cyr’s Stinchcombe: Your Church” and ways you can offer support.
Saturday 24th December – 2pm – Christmas Eve – Once again on Christmas Eve there will be a special Live Nativity Service for all to take part in starting at 2.00pm, meeting first in the yard are at Church Farm opposite St Cyr’s church, to follow the Star and tell the story of the birth of Jesus in a manger with the animals watching round.
Sat 24th December 9.00 pm – First Holy Communion of Christmas First Holy Communion service to celebrate Christmas in St Cyr’s church will be a held at 9pm on Christmas Eve. All are welcome to celebrate this joyful time of year.
Christmas Day – 25th December – This year there will be no church service on Christmas day at St Cyr’s. The church will be open however throughout Christmas day for private prayer.
Sunday 29th December at 11.10am – Benefice Eucharist – the last Holy Communion prior to the New Year 2025.
As we look forward and prepare for Christmas, do please share details of the forthcoming dates and events with your friends and neighbours. All are welcome here at St Cyr’s church especially as we continue to enjoy the improved access facilities following the “Open to All project” that has extended the opportunities offered.
Looking ahead to January 2025, the sequence of services will continue to be as follows:
First and third Sunday of the month- Evensong
Second and fourth Sunday of the month – Holy Communion
With all good wishes for a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year 2025
Pippa Leggate
Photo taken by Caroline Marshall