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Stinchcombe Playground

Stinchcombe Playground

Playground and Community Space Update – December 24

A very big ‘thank you’ to all the 65 wonderful people who have made pledges so far. As of today, we have received £12,571 so far of our target of £31,453 to the crowdfunding site. (Stinchcombe Playground and Community Space). This includes a pledge of £5,000 from Stroud Funding; but only valid if we reach our target by MARCH 2024

We are going wider with our promotion and have made a short film to send to the BBC and newspapers. We are so lucky to have the talented professional duo filmmakers Nathan Ridler and his son Cameron in the village. They have filmed and edited the various takes and produced a very effective marketing tool for us.

We have also identified a playground company. They have provided a very competitive price for supplying, delivering and installing all the natural timber play equipment. Making sure that all the legal safety requirements are met.

Playground Artist Impression

There will be something for everyone – picnic tables and benches, raised flower border, play equipment for toddlers and older children, space for barbecues, flowering trees and wildlife-friendly hedging.

Playground Artist Impression

As well as searching for sponsors and grants, we have secured free bike racks from ‘Take a Stand’. These are being installed as I write.

There is still some way to go to reach our target. So, I would like to appeal to those older residents in our lovely village. You may, like myself, have grandchildren that would love to play on the site. Any contribution will confirm our need for such a place for young and old to meet outdoors. Simply Google ‘Stinchcombe Crowdfunding‘ and select SPACEHIVE.

Finally, the Parish Council and the playground team would like to wish all our neighbours and contributors a very Happy Christmas! Thank you.

John Pinch

A New Playground and Community Space – The Proposal

Dear fellow Stinchcombe residents,

As you may be aware, in January 2021, a working group focussed on the establishment of a new playground and community space was formed and has been steadily working on this ambition. 

The creation of this working group followed an initial consultation questionnaire, enabled via the Stinchcombe village letter, to identify interest for the development of a new playground and to seek support to establish a group to undertake this work, as an extension to the Stinchcombe PC.  

It has taken many months to explore, assess and consider the two options which have been available to us: a small expansion of the existing site at the Dursley Rugby Club grounds, and the re-establishment of a playground in the Church field site, where a school playground used to exist. 

There have been many considerations explored, compared and considered in deciding which of the two sites to go with, including but not limited to:

  • The scope of what can be achieved with the sites
  • Site access
  • Site safety 
  • Wider benefits to the community of Stinchcombe based on the location of the site

From our work we have concluded that the Church Field site presents Stinchcombe with the most suitable option, and an agreement with the PCC has been reached to lease a portion of the field to the Stinchcombe parish council for this purpose (subject to any necessary  planning approvals and consultation with Stinchcombe residents).

We will be hosting an engagement session alongside a fundraising Coffee & Cake sale on the 15th October (10am – 12pm) where we will provide information boards and will take everyone through the timeline of activities and events leading up to the selection of the church field site (& subsequent discussions with the PCC and PC), and offer an open Question & Answer session with residents.

We hope that Stinchcombe residents will find this initiative of a positive nature; we hope to create a place where children, families and other Stinchcombe residents can come together and experience joy, relax and nurture friendships across our village. 

We look forwards to welcoming all residents to our engagement event which will be co-hosted by Reverend Fiona Crocker. 

Best regards
Naomi Heming & Steve Lane
Chair & Deputy Chair of the Stinchcombe Playground Working Group

Proposed plans for the Playground & Community Space are attached showing two different potential options for siting. These options have been developed following input from residents via an initial playground questionnaire, discussions with local families, and through discussions with the PCC and Stroud District Planning Office.

Update February 23

The Playground and Community Space Working Group have been working in conjunction with the Stinchcombe Parish Council and St Cyrs Parochial Church Committee to further develop plans presented to the Village through consultation in September last year.

The Working Group and PC took on comments from across the village about proposed designs and the PC have now approved a reduced design which includes modifications to alleviate concerns about privacy and road safety from neighbouring residents. The design has been approved to go through permitted development as a single phase development with the caveat that a lease is legally drawn up for the use of the ground in Church Field, and a supporting Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use or Development (CLPUD) is secured, which ensures the design is lawful and endorsed by Stroud district planning.

Stinchcombe Playground Plan

This decision marks great progress in making reality a community space which provides families and people across the village of all ages a place to relax, have fun and make friendships.

The PC would also like to refurbish the existing swings at the Rugby Field site. The old swingset has been dismantled due to the structure not being safe. Further discussions will take place with the Rugby Club, and local support will be needed to make this a reality.

We will continue to keep the village briefed on new developments via the PC website. We will also be hosting new fundraising events through 2023 for the new development at Church Field and welcome support from villagers for fundraising and to support grant funding applications. Please reach out to Naomi Heming or Steve Lane if this is of interest.

Update November 24 – Exciting News!

At last, after nearly four years since we first discussed having a community outdoor space with a playground in Stinchcombe,
we have the green light!

Stinchcombe Playground

A lease has been drawn up and exchanged between the owners of the field, The Parochial Church Council PCC), and the Parish Council (PC), who will take ultimate responsibility for the amenity, including maintenance and insurance. We have also applied for and been granted a Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed use or Development from the planners at Stroud District Council.

The site is to be in the church field where we will be planting trees and a hedge to contain the facilities and equipment. There will be something for all ages from toddlers to grandparents – including a flower bed and play equipment. We have been looking at grants and already have a very generous donation from the Build Back Better fund, courtesy of our district councillor Linda Cohen, as well as cycle racks, picnic tables and benches – all pledged from local charities.

Working on behalf of the Parish Council, a small group of villagers have formed a Playground and Community Space Working Group including members from the PCC and PC and this communication is on their behalf. Approaches are being made to local businesses and other organisations to see what help they can give us by either a donation or by sponsoring a piece of equipment. If you or you know of someone or an organisation that we might approach, please let us know and we will do the rest.

However, we need your help.

We have set up a crowdfunding site in conjunction with Spacehive and Stroud Funding to appeal to villagers, friends and locals. It is very simple; use the QR code below to be taken straight to the crowdfunding site and follow the instructions to make a donation, or alternatively go to

QR Code for Spacehive

We need to demonstrate as much community support as possible in order to stand a chance of an extra £10,000 from SDC.

If you prefer to give by another means please contact me: 07779872711 or Court Barn, The Street, Stinchcombe. and I will be more than happy to help you.

Whatever you can afford, your contribution will demonstrate community commitment and be very much appreciated. Thank you very much.

John Pinch

(Site designer and Spacehive Creator)

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