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VE Day 80th Anniversary


VE Day Community Celebration Thursday 8th May

VE Day in 2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War. There are two key dates to remember, Thursday 8 May and Friday 15 August.

Thursday 8 May is Victory in Europe Day (VE Day) the day the German forces surrendered to the Allied powers. Friday 15 August is Victory over Japan Day (VJ Day). This is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered, in effect bringing World War Two to an end.

On Thursday 8th May 2025, throughout the country, there will be the lighting of Beacons and Lamp Lights of Peace at 9.30pm.

The Parish Council wants to gauge the level of interest.

The suggested outline of the celebrations is below. However, unless at least 30 people express an interest we won’t go ahead with it or will only have the beacon. The decision will be made at the next meeting on 26th February. If it does go ahead we will also publicise it in neighbouring parishes.

The suggested outline for the event is:

  • low key and not for fundraising
  • decorate the Village Hall with bunting etc
  • 6.30pm start
  • bring your own drinks and food (possibly something share, possibly 1940s-style)
  • optional 1940s fancy dress
  • Rednock Swing Band plus recordings of well-known 1940s songs when they aren’t playing
  • use projector to show appropriate photos/film clips/information (including information on VJ Day) in the background (not a formal exhibition or talk)
  • 9.30pm beacon lighting
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