Village Hall Update October 2023
Village Hall AGM will be on Tuesday 14th November from 7:30pm. We require Committee members and Treasurer.
AGM and Vacancies
This years Village Hall AGM will be on Tuesday 14th November from 7:30pm, all residents from Stinchcombe and surrounding Parishes are very welcome to attend.
If you would like to join the Committee this is a good first meeting to ask questions.
We also require a Treasurer too as our long-standing Treasurer, Sarah Tweed is standing down to spend more time travelling. If you are good with spreadsheets (not too many) you should contact any of the Committee, contact details are here or email
Improvement Project and Fundraising
It is an exciting time with the improvement project gathering momentum. There are also some great new and different fundraising events planned. Remember the Hall belongs to the residents of Stinchcombe and as a committee member you will have a say in its management and its future. It would be even better if some of the younger newer residents were to step up as you are the future in Stinchcombe and we want you to have your say! We meet about 8 times a year in the evening for around 90 minutes.
Volunteers needed
We have a few people who volunteer to help from time to time, but we could do with a couple more, this is to help set up events (putting out tables and Chairs, helping with the Bar and catering, erecting the Marquee etc…) As above please get in contact .
Charlie Oakhill (Chairman)