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Tag: Testing


COVID-19 Testing at DRC

COVID Testing at the Rugby Club

Covid Testing Unit

The mobile testing unit will be back at the Stinchcombe Rugby Club according to the Gloucestershire County Council website tomorrow Wed 28th October. Also Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd November.

Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 can have a test BUT you must book a test in advance

Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 can have a test. You must book a test in advance. Please do not turn up to one of the locations without booking anyone without a booking risks being turned away.

To book a test

To book a test or for more information on testing, go to the NHS website or call 119.

Permanent unit

Gloucester RTS
Hempsted Meadows, David Hook Way, Gloucester, GL2 5LE

Charity Choir Competition Conservation COVID-19 Dursley Rugby Club Elections Footpaths Friends of St Cyr friends of st cyrs Fun Heritage Walk Hidden Gardens History Information Local History Local News Open 2 All Our Environment Parish Council Parish Council News Post Box Ride&Stride Ride and Stride RNLI Roads Road Safety Rugby Club Sandy Scams Speeding Speedwatch st Cyr St Cyrs Stinchcombe Playground Stinchcombe Social Stroud District Council Swift Boxes Testing TGIF Tyndale Arts Village Hall Virtual Village What's on Wildflowers

COVID Mobile Testing Unit

COVID Testing returns to Rugby Club

Covid Testing Unit

The mobile testing unit will be back at the Stinchcombe Rugby Club according to the Gloucestershire County Council website next week. Wed 23rd until Fri 25th September.

Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 can have a test. You must book a test in advance. Please do not turn up to one of the locations without booking anyone without a booking risks being turned away.

To book a test

To book a test or for more information on testing, go to the NHS website or call 119.

Charity Choir Competition Conservation COVID-19 Dursley Rugby Club Elections Footpaths Friends of St Cyr friends of st cyrs Fun Heritage Walk Hidden Gardens History Information Local History Local News Open 2 All Our Environment Parish Council Parish Council News Post Box Ride&Stride Ride and Stride RNLI Roads Road Safety Rugby Club Sandy Scams Speeding Speedwatch st Cyr St Cyrs Stinchcombe Playground Stinchcombe Social Stroud District Council Swift Boxes Testing TGIF Tyndale Arts Village Hall Virtual Village What's on Wildflowers

COVID Test Kit and App on Phone

Test and Trace

6000 workers

I read yesterday that the Government is shedding 6,000 workers from the test-and-trace operations. 6000 is a large percentage of the 25,000 (24%) of the total number employees. So has the system reached Baroness Dido Hardings “Gold Standard” ?

Tweet from Sir Chris Ham

As Sir Chris Ham said

“Contact tracing has to be led locally by people who work in the communities that are affected and understand them,They’re part-detectives, part-anthropologists: they work with leaders in faith groups, in community organisations, and public services, to understand why there are more cases in a particular area, and how to work with everyone to contain and reduce the challenges. You can’t do that sitting in a remote call centre.”

Sir Chris Ham

New Local Test and Trace

Now local councils are starting their OWN local test-and-trace operations in Blackburn, Leicester, Manchester, Calderdale and Liverpool. The Government has been forced to share the current and up to date information with the local health workers. If only to enable the test-and-trace effort to be better coordinated.

According to the Guardian Newspaper the central call-centre workers only manager to trace 56% of people’s contacts, whereas the figure for local health teams was 98%.

Hopefully, what will emerge will finally be a Test and Trace system that actually works.

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