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Tag: Parish Council


Planning Advice

Pre-application advice and enquiries from SDC

Thinking of Submitting a Planning Application?

Pre-application advice is an optional service offered by SDC before full planning permission that allows you to understand how the development policies will apply, gain advice from a planning officer, identify any potential problems and rectify them before a full planning permission application is submitted.

Pre-application advice and enquiries is offered by SDC

Not sure if you need planning permission … find out by using the SDC new pre-applications services.

Planning mistakes can be costly, time consuming and lead eventually to enforcement notices being served.

Voter ID

Elections 2024 – Voter ID

Elections and Photo ID

Remember, on all Elections like Thursday 2 May 2024 – electors must present photo ID at the polling station before a ballot paper can be issued.

Here’s all you need to know about voter ID:

• The full list of acceptable photo ID can be found at
• Only original copies of documents can be presented in the polling station.
• Photo ID can be expired as long as it resembles you.
• Postal voters will not need to present photo ID.
• For electors who have appointed a proxy to vote on their behalf, the proxy will need to bring their own photo ID.
• If you do not have an acceptable form of photo ID, you can apply free-of-charge for a Voter Authority Certificate at It is valid for up to 10 years as long as the photo resembles you. Make sure you have applied by Wednesday 24 April 2024.

For further information and questions? Email or call 01453 766321.

Be a councillor

Be a Councillor

Be a Councillor’ Event – Wednesday 6th September 2023

Have you ever thought about standing for election as a Councillor?

If you have a keen interest in your local community, have innovative ideas, a commitment to local people and are passionate about making a difference in the Stroud District area, then please join us to learn more about what being a Councillor entails. The ‘Be a Councillor’ event is being held in the evening on Wednesday 6 th September at Ebley Mill, Stroud District Council. The event will be an excellent chance for any prospective District, Parish or Town Councillors to find out what it really means to be a Councillor.

There will be presentations from Officers and current Councillors addressing how the Council works, the process of standing for election and the support that is available to Councillors. They will also outline a Councillor’s duties, the variety of opportunities that are available to them and give advice on how to how to successfully juggle this role with their daily life.

There will also be an opportunity to speak to current Councillors and ask any questions you may have about the role.

Wednesday 6 th September 2023 – Council Chamber, Stroud District Council, Ebley Mill, Ebley Wharf, Stroud, GL5 4UB. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

  • The event for prospective Parish/Town Councillors will start at 6.00pm
  • The event for prospective District Councillors will start at 7.00pm

If you think being a Stroud District councillor is for you please email to register your interest.

If you would like more information on becoming a councillor please follow the link:

Stinchcombe Parish Council - A community with Spirit

Parish Council News – July 2023

New Councillor

The Parish Council is back up to full strength as we welcome Tracey Legg as our new member. Tracey has lived in Stinchcombe for 25 years and brings with her considerable experience in administration work and a good understanding of the planning process which should prove very useful. We are pleased to have someone from Taits Hill Road on the Council as it’s good to have representation from various parts of the village.

As previously announced we have also recently welcomed Charlie MacFarlane to the Council. Charlie lives on The Street and has nobly agreed to take on the role of Chair of the Council where he’s already doing an excellent job.

Our other Councillors, Marian Shaw, Diana Davidson and Ian Kirkham all continue to carry out their duties and represent the village as well as ever.

Preparing for Winter

Gloucestershire County Council has agreed a process to allow us to have more grit bins. If you know of any bins that need replacing or relocating, or can think of particular locations where they would be useful, please let the Clerk know as soon as possible.

Once the leaves start to fall, blocked drains become an increasing problem and our County Councillor, Linda Cohen is starting a “Leaf It Out” campaign to try and encourage residents to clear the drains by their properties just to keep the worst under control without waiting for Highways to do it. Any help you can provide in doing this would be greatly appreciated. It would also be very helpful if, where possible, residents could avoid parking over drains so that Highways can reach them when they do come to clear them.

Highways Have Your Say

Gloucestershire residents are being asked for their views on all things highways after a new survey was launched. The survey asks residents for their views on road condition, grass verges, pavements, street lighting, road signs and more. Please try to spare the time to make your views known.
Gloucestershire County Council want more detail on what residents think at a local level. They’re also offering anyone who completes the survey the opportunity to take part in further focus groups to offer more detailed feedback.

Access the highways survey before it closes midday 1 August 2023. Offline submissions also available on request.
Reporting highways issues can be done online Your Highways – Report it – Highways (

Chairman’s Report

Chairman’s Report to Annual Parish Assembly to be held on Monday 30th May 2022

Since the last Parish Assembly in 2021 there has been the AGM and 9 full Parish Council meetings, most of which were attended by the County and District Councillors. The PC aims to meet every six weeks, primarily in the Committee Room at the Village Hall unless dictated by COVID regulations.

At the AGM on the 26th May 2021 the following appointments were confirmed:-

Footpath Wardens –              Mr Snellock and Mr Packer

Tree Warden –                          Mr Kirkham

Playground Equipment Warden – Mr Cheetham

Rep to Village Hall Committee –  Mrs Shaw

Snow Warden –                        Mr Davies

Snow Plough Operator –             Mr Longstreth 

The following were also appointed as representatives of the Parish Council to other organisations:-

Stinchcombe Hill Trust                                            Ms K Hudson

Stinchcombe United Charities                               Mrs J. Thomas

Dursley United Charities                                         Mr R Holloway

Village Hall Committee                                            Mrs M Shaw

Berkeley Stakeholder Group                                  Mr C Davies

Parish Councillors

The Council is operating at full complement, Simon Packer took over as Chair last year with Kath Hudson acting as Vice Chair.

I would like to thank Marian Shaw for her hard work as departing Chair and helping me as I settle into the role.

Since the AGM, Chris Snellock has stood down as footpath warden and John Thomas has taken it on. Laurie Bradley has also replaced Russ Holloway as Dursley United Charities representative. Many thanks to Chris and Russ for their work.

Kath Hudson has worked very hard on Speed Watch and getting the Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) ready to install – more later.

We will all miss Richard Cheetham and are grateful for all his efforts over the years. 

Financial Matters

As a result of a survey last year, the precept for 2021/22 was increased from £3,550 to £5,500 to facilitate the provision of traffic calming measures in the village and exploratory Playground works. This will be maintained for 2022/2023.


There have been 28 planning applications within the Parish and Parish Councillors have seen, consulted and commented on them all.

Notification was received from Planning of a screening request for proposed 60 dwellings, public open space and ancillary works at land north of Taits Hill Road, which caused considerable concern among residents. A Residents’ Association was formed across Stinchcombe Village, Taits Hill Road, Clingre Down and Orchard Leaze, including parts of Cam parish as well as Stinchcombe, which sought advice from a planning consultant.


A new bin and replacement flagpole were installed by the church – Many thanks to Craig Lawful for fitting them.  A further bin is ready for installation by the bus shelter outside the Village Hall.  This will replace the bin that DRC had at their entrance there.

A new notice board has been obtained and is ready to be installed to replace the one knocked over at Old Hill Lane.

The Playground group have presented their proposals at a combined Hall, Church and Parish Council meeting.  The designs look good but there are still a number of unanswered questions about insurance, maintenance and public consultations that need sorting.


Standle Lane has been completely resurfaced with thanks to all those who helped push this one through.

The Speed Watch group now have a preferred make and model of VAS and the evidence to support the recommendation.  The final steps are getting the nearby residents’ agreement to the installation, buying it, and installing it.  If anyone knows a “street works” accredited contractor, please let Kath know.

Design for the village gateways is complete with a series of options ready to go to residents for consultation. Work on the planters has gone ahead – thanks to all those involved

After the parking issues with the rugby club earlier in the season, we had a very constructive meeting with a series of actions that I am pleased to report seem to have solved this problem.

Footpaths and Rights of Way

There was a litter pick held in March this year had a poor turnout but nevertheless produced more than 20 bags of litter.

There have been ongoing discussions between the owners of Piers Court, PROW officers and Parish Council representatives regarding the use of public footpaths on Piers Court land.


It’s nice to see a lot more collaboration between the various village bodies in the last year, I hope that that continues – Don’t forget the Jubilee celebrations on the 2nd and 4th of June!

Thanks go to Kath Hudson and Nola Bradley for continuing production of the village Newsletter and to the team who distribute it.  Richard Bartlam continues to update and maintain Stinchcombe E-News for which we thank him.  Richard would welcome Stinchcombe news and photographs to include in E-News.


Thank you to my fellow Parish Councillors and Clerk for their help and support over the past year.  Thank you also to the Tree, Footpaths and all the appointed Wardens for their time and efforts in keeping our Parish running smoothly and such a pleasant place to live and to our County and District Councillors for their time and support which are very much appreciated.

Feel free to join us for the AGM and assembly on 30th May in the Village Hall.

Simon Packer

Stinchcombe Parish Council - A community with Spirit

End of year update

Dear all

We had our last Parish Council meeting of the year on Monday night which was well attended and productive.  Thanks to Marian and Nola for providing the refreshments in the break.  I thought I would give you an update of the key points as I saw them. I hope this is useful

Speedwatch Update

We committed last year to the Speedwatch group and they have been diligently progressing a number of initiatives.  Progress on the automated sign (VAS) has been delayed because of a key absence at the council but his replacement is now dealing with the matter and there should be a decision after Christmas. We hope to be able to deploy the VAS next year.

There is a county wide campaign to introduce 20 mph limits in all residential areas and it was agreed to support this, along with over 10% of parish councils.  There is a long way to go before it becomes Gloucestershire County Council policy and there will no doubt be opportunities for residents to give their views.

The village gateway locations on Taits Hill, Echo Lane and Wick Lane have now been agreed with the council  and we are looking to finalise the design, colour, wording, and size in discussion with potential suppliers and Highways. Kath has circulated some mock ups for comments – anyone who would like to be involved, please contact Kath or myself. There will be a chance for the village to comment before a final decision is made.

Facilities Update

We also agreed to fund the feasibility study into an expanded playground and we were hoping for a Playground Group Update which didn’t happen last night.  Hopefully we can get that soon and let everyone know the latest thinking.

You may have seen the new bin and flagpole outside the church, with thanks to Craig Lawfull for installing it. Please let us know if you have the village flags – we don’t know who has them at the moment!!!  We are also looking into the possibility of a further bin at the end of the footpath across rugby club, by the bus shelter.  Hopefully we will also have a new notice board for Old Hill Lane shortly as well.

Footpaths update.

Firstly, I’d like to give the Parish Council’s thanks to Chris Snellock who has served as footpath warden for the last 6 years and has recently decided stand down.  Under his stewardship we have seen conscientious care, documenting, and reporting of our 60 odd footpaths – a heartfelt thanks for your efforts Chris!

John Thomas, from Wick Lane has agreed to take over the role, more details to follow.

There has been no real progress regarding the footpaths at Piers Court. I have recently met with a Police representative who stressed the need to record and report any incidents of harassment. A meeting is being arranged for early January with the PRoW office.

In the meant time, if you have any issues with the state of footpaths, (overgrown,  access issues, damaged stiles etc) please report them to me (or any parish council member) and the PRoW 

If you have any issues with people challenging, harassing or intimidating your legal use of a path, again please report them to me (or any parish council member) and the Police

We had another incident reported last week where a walker went through a farmers closed gate and left it wide open allowing cattle to get into a field that he did not want them in. Fortunately the farmer noticed before they started damaging hedging that he was renovating. He has no issue with people walking through his fields but quite reasonably does expect that they leave gates as they find them. Please remember that while walking through fields, especially when not on public rights of way, gates MUST be left as they were found.

Other key points 

You may also see that the Millennium Oak tree has been trimmed and new protective fences put around it – many thanks to Ian and Sandy and Chris for doing the work.

The Council has registered to be part of the chain of beacons on 2nd June for the Queens Jubilee and we have been allocated two oak trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy.  Keep the date for next year, I am sure we will be celebrating with more than a beacon.

I took an action a while back to look at how we best use the Parish Council website, eNews and WhatsApp; I will do this over the Christmas period, and if anyone has any thoughts about how we can communicate better or what to communicate, please give me a shout.

On the finances side, we have had payments in of £7413 for this year and expect  £5936 for next year. General expenses for this year were £1928 and forecast for next year is £2284. One off costs this year were £622 with a further £1900 planned but not yet spent. We also holdover a allowance of £6000 for the VAS and village gateways and £500 for the playground for next year.

The next meetings will be:-

  1. Wed 26th Jan, 7.30pm
  2. Wed 9th March, 7.30pm
  3. Wed 4th May, 7.30. Parish Assembly
  4. Wed 18th May, 7.30. AGM

All at the village hall committee room unless covid re-intervenes  – just a reminder that all residents are welcome. If there are any topics you think we should be addressing, feel free to drop me an email or give me a call on 0797 363 8792

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.


Stinchcombe Parish Council - A community with Spirit

From the Parish Council

From the Parish Council

Our County Councillor, Linda Cohen, has asked us to publicise two initiatives in the county over Christmas:-

Winter Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Registration for the winter HAF programme is now open for children eligible for benefits -related free school meals. The winter programme will run from 20 – 23 December 2021. Children who signed for the summer programme will be automatically registered.

Families can register at:

Strategy to tackle domestic abuse in Gloucestershire

This has been published by the Domestic Abuse Local Partnership Board to mark the beginning of 16 days of action against violence. Full details together with a list of support services can be found here:

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