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All about the Website

How it works

For those who perhaps have never had the time to explore the website, I thought that I would take a few minutes and explain about the content and how to navigate around it. You might not be aware of various aspects or how it all fits together.


First of all, the whole site was re-written recently so that it complies with the WCAG guidelines wherever possible. The “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines” covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible. It means that websites can be used by portable devices like phones, they can be listened to and they text can be easily changed to accommodate for blindness and low vision. For the Stinchcombe Website, it meant scrapping over half the site and re-writing the other half. As you can imagine this took hours of work.

This icon on the site is used to change the text size, the contrast and the font. You will see this or something similar on many websites that comply with the guidelines.

On Microsoft Edge, the read aloud command is now built in as “Ctrl+Shift+U” on Google Chrome you still have to download the “Speech to Text” extension.

The Site


The site itself runs on WordPress which runs 40% of the worlds websites. It has two sides, One side is called a “Blog” and is for articles like this one. These are called “Posts”. Every “Post” on our site comes under one of four sections with the headings:

They appear on the website in date order with the newest at the top of each section. At the bottom of each section is a link called “More Posts” which will pull up all posts under that heading.


The other side of the site are the pages. These are permanent like a book and a filed under structure the chapter headings are seen on the left of the front Page. For instance, “Our Virtual Village” now has twelve pages but only the chapter heading shows on the frontpage.

The Front Page

The Front Page of the site used to be called the Landing Page although this term seems to have changed to mean where a site collects information about you. However if you look at our Front Page you will see current information for the village.

Top Right are the Notices this is the Parish Council Notice Board. I will also post Parish Notices on the board from anyone who sends me one!

Under that are the Next Village Events. Anything coming up in the village. When, Where and How Long. The Parish Council meeting shows a link to the latest minutes and agenda.

Next we have a list of the latest Post.

Then under “Full List of Pages” that we have a full list of every PAGE on the site.

Also on the front page at the very top we have a “Search This Site” box which works extremely well, a map of the surroundings, the local weather, your Parish Council and various other things.


I hope that this “tour” of the front page has helped you better understand why the site is at it is. Remember it’s not a professional site, it depends on people actively contributing ideas, photos, and especially articles. No matter how small and insignificant a piece everyone has something to say. If you don’t contribute to the village website then it will at some point die.

Charity Choir Competition Conservation COVID-19 Dursley Rugby Club Elections Footpaths Friends of St Cyr friends of st cyrs Fun Heritage Walk Hidden Gardens History Information Local History Local News Open 2 All Our Environment Parish Council Parish Council News Post Box Ride&Stride Ride and Stride RNLI Roads Road Safety Rugby Club Sandy Scams Speeding Speedwatch st Cyr St Cyrs Stinchcombe Playground Stinchcombe Social Stroud District Council Swift Boxes Testing TGIF Tyndale Arts Village Hall Virtual Village What's on Wildflowers

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