St Cyr’s needs your books
BOOK SALE Saturday 22 August, St Cyr’s Church, Stinchcombe from 10am – 3pm
Are you an avid reader with book shelves heaving under the weight of books not read for many years? Have you had a lockdown clear out and now have books and DVDs ready to go to a second hand shop? Is a second hand book shop your first port of call when looking for a something new to read?
If so, why not donate your books to St Cyr’s, browse our selection for exciting and intriguing authors and help raise money for our beautiful Church at the same time?
The book sale will take place on Saturday 22 August outside the Church (or at The Barnyard, Church Farm depending on the weather) from 1000 until 3pm. All books will have been sanitised before the sale. If you would like to browse, please bring some gloves with you although these will also be available. Please bring cash/change as we would prefer not to handle money. Additional donations to the church are welcome!
If you have books to donate to the sale, please sanitise them before leaving at one of our drop off locations before Tuesday 18 August:
- Church Farm, opposite the Church (please leave books on the table outside back door)
- Manor Farm, Wick Lane (please leave the books in the box behind the gate)
- 6 The Buildings, The Street (please leave the books on the steps behind the grey gate)
Any unsold books at the end of the day will be added to the collection at the back of the Church.
The plant sale held earlier in the summer in aid of St Cyr’s raised a wonderful £600- let’s try to do the same with our book sale. We look forward to seeing you there.
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