Annual Parochial Church Meeting
St Cry’s Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
In advance of the APCM next month we are required to review the Electoral Roll.
If you wish to vote at the APCM or stand for PCC you must be on the church Electoral Roll. If you are not currently on the Roll and wish to be, then please complete a form and return to Joan Jelfs.
The Church Electoral Roll in the Parish of of St Cyr Stinchcombe will be revised by the Parochial Church Council beginning Sunday 16th April ending Sunday 30th April .If your name is not already on the roll and you wish to have it added please contact Joan Jelfs Electoral Roll Officer or a church warden.
Only those whose names are on the Church Electoral Roll may vote at the APCM later in May and be eligible for election to the PCC
The deadline is 30th April
Any queries please ask a member of the clergy, a church warden or the Electoral Roll Officer, Joan Jelfs