A Village Property
Stinchcombe Local History Society – “A Village Property”
Stinchcombe Village is full of wonderful properties both large and small. Each property has its own House History. All properties are rich in history and memories. Other Villagers know little or nothing about those histories. Indeed, sometimes the owners themselves know nothing!
Your Own House History
The Stinchcombe Local History Society is suggesting that once a month a local homeowner may like to publish what they know of their house history for all. To include photos and any other interesting stories and put on the Parish website. Then maybe other local people can add their own extra titbits to that property history with their own stories.The History Society can then build up a comprehensive history of the Stinchcombe Village Properties.
The First Village Property
The first history of a “Village Property” is planned for the New Year as “Combe House & Street Farm“.
Suggestions for topics
Rather than being too prescriptive here are some suggested bullet points to get people started
- when the house was built
- description
- how it’s changed over the years
- past residents and their occupation/role
- significant events
- anecdotes
- how they’ve researched the house’s history
- what it means to them to live in an historic house
- photos old and current
To get Involved
Roger Batty will collate stories and details. Contact Roger Batty (07765468756) if you would like:
- to be involved with “A Village Property”
- get your own property published
- would just like to help in the project
- Stinchcombe Village Hall update January 2025
- Protected: Auction of Drawings and Paintings
- Please Complete our Household Survey
- Church Wardens Report from St Cyr’s
- Do the French have the right way of it?
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