Village Hall Improvements Update
New Revised Plans for Village Hall Improvements after village consultations.
Revised Plans after village consultations
Following months of research and discussions the Village Hall Committee with much help from John Pinch and input from the Stroud District Council Planning department, they presented a proposed scheme of improvements at 2 recent consultation meetings.
These improvements are needed to bring this great Village facility up to date and improve for the future. There were concerns from some residents which are noted in John’s report, (see below) John has managed to come up with an alternative scheme and the revised Plans have been uploaded to the Home page of the Village Hall website.
At the consultations it became apparent that many residents are not aware of the activities and classes held at the Hall, the monthly programme is shown as well as details of many of these activities. Also, the most recent Committee meeting minutes are uploaded once approved and a record of the History of the Hall, please take a few minutes to browse the site.
Charlie Oakhill (Chairman Stinchcombe Village Hall)
Stinchcombe Village Hall Improvements. by John Pinch
Rationale leading to the final design for improvements to the Hall
Original design brief:
- Less austere appearance of the hall
- Increased kitchen area with a wider serving hatch
- Larger utility room/storage
- Hospitable entrance hall
- Additional function room larger in floor area to the existing meeting room.
Following revisions to previous designs incorporating the above requirements, a new set of plans was offered for comments and suggestions at two public consultation meetings. The results of comments received were noted and passed to me for consideration in the redrafting and amending of the plans.
Popular suggestions from the audience at the consultation meetings included.
- The removal of the stage and use the space for another meeting room.
However, the stage is deemed a valuable asset and sometimes requested by hirers of the hall, and the floor levels are not compatible with the two adjacent dressing rooms.
- Creating a new kitchen and meeting room at the rear of the building.
This was deemed unrealistic and prohibitive because of a clause in the legal deeds.
A revised design and set of plans have been created, taking on board the main concerns listed below.
- There is insufficient space for manoeuvring vehicles adjacent to the new extension.
To respond to this concern a revised parking layout has been proposed resulting in a reduction in car parking spaces adjacent to the wall by the road. However, this is more than compensated for by the additional car park at the rear of the hall as well as the suggested provision of marked parking bays, maximizing the potential around the front of the site.
An indicative parking bay layout has been included on the block plan.
- Windows on the first floor overlook the houses in the Buildings opposite. Residents are justifiably concerned over the lack of privacy and the possibility of being overlooked.
The two windows on the first floor have been removed and replaced by two dormer windows on the adjacent South West and North East pitches of the proposed extension.
- The height of the extension is too severe.
This will be exacerbated by the removal of the two upper floor windows, leaving an unsightly gable façade.
Rather than the full height gable end of the new extension, a hipped roof has been proposed to reduce the visual impact. This will have no major impact on the floor area of the requested additional function room, located above reception and the kitchen. The floor area of this extra room will be approximately 40sq m, compared to 28sq m of the existing meeting room and140sq m of the main hall, creating a very useful space for various functions including playgroups and pilates etc.
- Inclusion of a WC in the meeting room on the first floor
It was felt that a WC in the new additional meeting room on the first floor would be desirable, especially if the room was to be used for a playgroup with young children. This meeting room could be carpeted. The toilet has been positioned above the kitchen sink area for drainage purposes and accommodates the limited headroom because of the roof pitch.
- The poor acoustics in the main Hall should be a higher priority
It is the intention to incorporate acoustic panels in the main hall as part of the improvement scheme, this was one of the original priorities but had been deferred due to the costs involved.
John Pinch
December 2022