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60 New Houses in Stinchcombe?

Deer in the Field

Potential 60 House Development Taits Hill Road

by Russell Legg

Framework Plan
Framework Plan, Planning – Application 2021/0325/EIAS

Sensitivity Assessment

Clifton Homes. (who advertise on their website a “no win, no fee planning permissive service“) are conducting a sensitivity assessment ahead of a potential planning application in the village. At this stage the Application is for a “Screening request for proposed 60 dwellings, public open space and ancillary works

We understand that at this stage this is NOT a planning application for 60 dwellings. It is our opinion however that it will inevitably lead an application for such.

Stroud District Council are looking for feedback and evidence on the wildlife, flora and fauna of this ecologically rich meadow. Do you have pictures, information verbal or written to submit to prove the diversity of this rich site?

Our Reply

Please can you comment directly on the SDC Planning Portal against the application. Could you also provide a copy of your submission to Russell Legg.

Already, we have contacted and sought the advice of a Planning Consultant to support the local residents who would be affected by the forthcoming application. We also made the following five points to the Stinchcombe Parish Council, and the Local Councillors for Stinchcombe and Cam who have all been very supportive.

  1. We already have an adopted local Plan signed off in 2015. There is a great deal of certainty as to where growth and development will go. Stroud District Council has 6.56 years forward supply of land to satisfy that plan. Speculative and unplanned development such as this scheme are contrary to the local plan and unnecessary.
  2. Irrespective of this the site is in the influence of the Cotswold AONB and would significantly and detrimentally detract from this Landscape character.
  3. Access arrangements are sub standard and would make safety on Taits Hill Road a major issue.
  4. The lack of services and facilities mean most residents would need to use a car.
  5. The Site is rich in ecology and in the absence of a more detailed survey the development would be detrimental to the Ecology of the area.
Impact of the proposed site
The proposed site viewed against the backdrop of the AONB

Taits Hill Action Group

We have also formed the Taits Hill Action Group to communicate and co-ordinate all the information and objections of the local residents in the local area both Stinchcombe and Cam.

  • Clingre Down – John Delafield- 01453 544 597
  • Field Lane and West End – Ken Eales – 07785 516 569
  • Orchard Leaze – Heat Patel – 07425 318 461
  • Taits Hill Road – Russell Legg – 07850 383 649
  • Stinchcombe Village – Kath Hudson – 01453 542 132

Questions, Queries and Help with Comments to the SDC please contact your local co-ordinator please.


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