Jubilee Celebrations
Its nearly here! Shame the weather isn’t looking great but things can change …….
We all look forward to welcoming you to Stinchcombe Jubilee weekend and here is a note of what to expect.
It all starts on Thursday at 10 am with a playtime before the punch and judy show by Tom Foolery, all the well-known characters will be there: Punch, his wife Judy, Baby, Joey the Clown, The policeman, Crocodile, Ghost – and – of course – the sausages.
This is followed by the teddy bears picnic and home-made Queen’s Platinum Crown Competition. If you are attending these, hopefully you have already put your names down with Margaret Wannell and please remember to bring your teddy and lunch.
The hog roast looks set to be a great evening, we have around 130 people attending! The hog will be ready to serve from 6.15/6.30 with a serving of 75 people half hour – so plenty of time to mingle, chat, and have a drink. Thank you to everyone who has entered the pudding competition, we can’t wait to try your pudds! Limited tickets remain, speak to Dave Clare if you need some!
We will do a quick toast to the Queen at 8pm now (was going to be 8.30pm) to allow a little more time to walk up to the beacon for the 9.45pm lighting. The bar at the village hall will remain open while we light it and be there when we get back. There won’t be any refreshments at the beacon location and it may well be dark on the way back, so bring a torch.
For Saturday, we are running Family fun and games for the energetic of us! A fairly informal series of popular games like sack and 3-leg races and a few with a twist as well. This is probably the only event that is weather dependent, so fingers crossed the current forecast is wrong. The games will start behind the overspill car-park at 2pm, and the bar will be open then too! You may want to bring your own water if you don’t want to visit the bar.
Afternoon tea is served from 4pm to 6pm in the village hall.
The weekend then closes with Thanksgiving Evensong at the church on Sunday at 6pm. This will be followed by cheese and wine.
Any questions, ask any of the village hall, PCC, or parish council members.
Looking forward to seeing you at some point over the weekend.