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Village Hall Vacancy

Stinchcombe Village Hall Logo


Village Hall Committee will shortly have a vacancy for a Treasurer.

Stinchcombe Village Hall Vacancy

The Village Hall Committee will shortly have a vacancy for a Treasurer, following many years of loyal service by Sarah Tweed. Sarah is sadly stepping down due to other commitments and the desire to spend more time travelling. The vacancy will start at the AGM in November; however, we hope to get someone sooner to ‘learn the ropes’ before Sarah departs. Without belittling Sarah or understating the responsibility, the position is mainly keeping management accounts, online Banking and paying suppliers. Working alongside the Bookings officer and producing a summarised Cash flow report monthly. Qualifications are less important but an active roll in account management is essential.

It is an unpaid position as with all the Committee who are also Trustees. We are a registered Charity, so an annual report has to be filed to the Charities Commission with the help of the Chairman. We hold around 8 meetings a year and we would expect the new Treasurer to attend most of these meetings. The Hall has been busier over the past few years and is entering an exciting period of improvements and updating to cater for the increasing demands and future needs of our Community. The successful candidate will be a have an important role and will have a part in it’s future success.

Apply in confidence for an informal chat to Charlie Oakhill (Chairman)

Charlie Oakhill

07958 474807

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