Public Rights of Way reminder
The widely held belief that it’s OK to leave dog mess uncleared providing it’s not actually on the path is ill-founded. It can transmit parvovirus, intestinal parasites and harmful bacteria to people and other animals.
Please Remember other users
We are fortunate to have a network of public footpaths through fields and playing fields in the parish. At the request of local landowners, the Parish Council reminds everyone to stick to the public rights of way. The presence of a public footpath does not give the public any right to use other parts of the field. That applies to dogs as well!

Unless your dog reliably walks to heel it probably needs to be on a lead to satisfy the legal requirement for “close control”. Letting your dog run free is not permitted except where the landowner has given permission, or you are the landowner.
Not only unpleasant
The widely held belief that it’s OK to leave dog mess uncleared providing it’s not actually on the path is ill-founded. It can transmit parvovirus, intestinal parasites and harmful bacteria to people and other animals. Furthermore, two livestock diseases have been linked to the presence of contaminated dog waste. Neosporosis can cause abortions in cattle. Sarcocystosis can cause neurological disease and death in sheep. There have been suspected cases of both these diseases here in Stinchcombe.
A reminder for landowners
Stiles, gates and other structures across public footpaths belong to the landowner. You have a legal duty to maintain them in a safe condition. A range is available from the County Council at subsidised prices and you may be able to get help with installation. Look out for an article by our new Footpath Warden, Andrew Davidson, in the Spring.
Kath Hudson