Launch of the Heritage Walk
12 November 2021
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Stinchcombe Village Hall
The Street Stinchcombe GL11 6AW
The Launch of the Stinchcombe Heritage Walk
The Launch of the Stinchcombe Heritage Walk – a date for your diary – Friday 12th November at 7pm in the Village Hall.
The History Society has been busy preparing the Stinchcombe Heritage Walk over the last year or so and it is now ready to launch. The walk highlights many of the houses and buildings that have been written about (or are to be written about) in Our Virtual Village and there will be Originals and Prints of 23 houses drawn by John Pinch for sale on the night.
The Walk is being launched by Andy Barton who is President of the Dursley and Cam Society (historic society), Chair of the Dursley Heritage Centre and a member of the steering group for the annual Dursley Walking Festival.
Further details here