A Path on an Arc
This week continues to see real progress outside of the church. The following has been achieved during the four working days of last week:
✔ Concrete was mixed on site and poured into the three spaces between the shuttering that was installed at the end of last week. The three sections are to accommodate the incline, which will form the edging to the disabled ramp.

✔ A more accurate arc was plotted on the new concrete foundations to form the building line for a double wall comprising concrete blocks at the back and solid dressed stone for the facing.

✔ A row of concrete blocks were laid on the curve on top of the concrete that will serve to hold back the earth between the new wall and the existing church boundary wall. More concrete will be poured into the gap after the concrete blocks have cured
to underpin the existing church wall, because the foundations are insignificant.
✔ Dressed Cotswold stone blocks were laid in front of and tied into the concrete blocks to form the final facing of the wall. A small return (corner) was created to finish off the wall where it meets the tarmac path up to Church Cottage.

✔ More clay at the abutment with the road was removed with the digger to provide a wider parking space for a hearse or disabled vehicle. This area will be dug down 20cm lower than the road, and filled with Type One (gravel) to form a base for
tarmac, which will extend the width of the road.

The area inside the back of the church was cleared to provide access for the Easter Sunday service via the west entrance door.
John Pinch
18 April 2022