Stinchcombe Social
A Source of Community Spirit
Don’t you just love Stinchcombe Social. Just to know that after posting an innocuous “does anyone have any recommendations for a cake maker.?” this morning there have been no less than EIGHT suggestions.
For those who might not know, The WhatsApp group “Stinchcombe Social” as you see, has now been around now since March 2020.
It is ONLY for residents of the village and some people are more active than others. Some people never post messages but just like to turn off the notifications for the group in the WhatsApp settings and read the messages.
During the past year, we have had lost pets, local planning issues, lots of of jokes, local recommended tradespeople, local notices, local groups started, local events and fundraising and lots and lots of local talk. All just for Stinchcombe Residents.
It also has been for the last year a great source of Local Community Spirit!
So if you are not on “Stinchcombe Social” and you live in Stinchcombe, you DO miss out on a lot of gossip!