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Our Swedish Houses are under threat.

Swedish Houses Plan


Our 4 historic “Swedish Houses” situated at the top of The Avenue are under threat of demolition by SDC and replace them with a high density complex of 16 dwellings

Threat of demolition and redevelopment on The Avenue

You may or may not be aware that our 4 historic “Swedish Houses” situated at the top of The Avenue are under threat of demolition. These are the two pairs of timber clad dormer bungalows opposite the cricket pitch. The right-hand pair is owned by Stroud District Council (SDC) and have been left vacant for 5 – 6 years. Of the other pair, the house on the left (No4) is privately owned and the house on the right has a SDC tenant.
There are similar redevelopment plans for Swedish houses in Uley and Wotton Under Edge.

The SDC proposal

SDC wish to demolish all four houses and replace them with a high density complex of 16 dwellings, a mixture of houses and flats. The plan above is indicative of how they currently envisage the layout. The original plan was to squeeze in 18 dwellings, but this has now been reduced to 16.
The 16 dwellings would comprise 6 x1 bedroom 2 person flats, 3 x 2bedroom 4 person houses and 3 x 3-bedroom 5 person houses = 39 new residents with probably two cars per dwelling.

What we don’t like about the proposal

This plan raises concerns regarding visual impact, (especially with the site being adjacent to the conservation area and within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), road safety, inadequate parking facilities, drainage, and disturbance of wildlife to mention a few. Furthermore, our Swedish houses are an important part of Stinchcombe’s rich history. You can read more about that here.
Redevelopment of the site as a whole will require the purchase of No4. The owners have lived there happily for 27 years and would like to stay.

The Parish Council’s Position

Stinchcombe Parish Council have already met with SDC Housing officers to discuss the plans and held an open meeting for parishioners, which housing officers declined to attend. The Parish Council subsequently wrote to Housing stating their opposition to re development of the site. The wish of the Parish Council is for the council owned Swedish houses to be sensitively restored to modern standard whilst retaining their important historic status.
Swedish houses at three other locations in Stroud District have been or are to be refurbished.

Stinchcombe History Society’s position

Not surprisingly SHS wants to preserve these historic buildings, which we have included in our heritage walk and in our Virtual Village house histories. We’ve tried and failed to get the two empty Swedish Houses listed by Historic England. Historic England recommended looking at local designation options, which we will do in parallel with any other measures for their protection.

What stage has the proposal reached?

At the Stroud District Council Housing committee meeting on the 19/3/24, members voted to add the Stinchcombe, Uley and Wotton Under Edge sites to the new Homes and Regeneration programme and progress redevelopment for the provision of new council homes, subject to planning permission. They agreed for £14.7 million to be funded from capital receipts and from Homes England.

An amendment was approved requiring that an update be brought back to committee as soon as practicable regarding highways safety and other key infrastructures considerations before the submission of planning applications. This amendment will at least ensure we get some insight into what highways and other statutory consultees think before the planning stage.
Housing currently estimates that the feasibility and pre planning stage would take another 12 – 24 months and it would take another 3 – 4 months to get planning permission.

What can we do?

The stated programme means there is still time to prepare a strong case for saving the Swedish houses and preserving our village landscape and history.

It is not something the History Society and Parish Council can do on their own – we need the support of a sizable number of villagers.

If you care about this issue and want to help. Please email with your comments.

Please include your full name if it isn’t obvious from your email address, and your postcode. We only ask this in case it should prove to be necessary if your comments are needed to show support against the threat of demolition to Stroud District Council.

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