Look Out for Ash Dieback
The Parish Council has begun a survey of trees in the parish which may have been infected by this fungal disease, but this is a very big undertaking and as much help from residents as possible would be greatly appreciated. It would help greatly if while you’re out walking, you would keep a lookout for any signs of disease in mature ash trees in and around the village (See https://stinchcombepc.co.uk/mitigating-ash-dieback-in-stinchcombe/ for more details and information on how to recognise it.) and let the Parish Council know (clerk@stinchcombepc.co.uk) if you spot any trees you think are cause for concern. It is important to know where there are affected trees, both because of the potential danger of their falling and also because it may be possible to obtain funding for their replacement. Enjoy your walks and thank you for keeping a lookout.