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Lucky Severn Lottery

Lucky Severn


Anyone fancies trying their luck for a £1,000 a bike voucher, with the Lucky Severn Lottery?

The Lucky Severn Lottery keep urging me to promote it and raise more money for Stinchcombe Speed Watch. I’ve been reluctant when progress is slow on our traffic calming aspirations, but in case anyone fancies trying their luck for the £1,000 bike voucher, here is their latest poster.

Rest assured it isn’t Stinchcombe Speed Watch or the Parish Council holding things up. The ball is firmly in Gloucestershire County Council’s court. As soon as they sign the legal agreement, which the Parish Council signed back in July, we can go out for quotes from installation contractors.

We don’t anticipate a shortfall in our funds for the vehicle-activated sign and village gateways. If there is, monies from the lottery will help plug the gap. The rest will go towards community speedwatch cameras, now permitted in Gloucestershire, as a further line of defence. These could be deployed on the posts to be installed for the VAS.


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