Friends of St Cyr AGM
The 14th Annual General Meeting of the Friends of St Cyr will take place on Wednesday 19th January 2020 at 7.30 pm in the Church. All are welcome. This is a chance for you to meet the committee and hear about our progress and plans for the coming year for the maintenance and improvement of our beautiful Church.
Any nominations for the committee should be sent in writing with a proposer, a seconder and the permission of the nominee, to reach the secretary by Wednesday 5th February 2020 If you would like a copy of last year’s minutes please contact me preferably by e-mail at .
If you cannot do this call me on 01453 542159 and I will post or deliver a copy to you. Obviously we can keep our costs down if we contact as many people as possible by e-mail!
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible
Jill Holloway (Secretary)