Stinchcombe United Charities
Stinchcombe United Charities asks:
Do you know anyone who needs assistance?
Stinchcombe United Charities asks:
Do you know anyone who needs assistance?
In these particularly difficult economic times, you may know someone within our village community who might appreciate confidential financial support from the Stinchcombe United Charities (SUC).
Support may be considered for anyone struggling to meet basic living expenses, respite care for children with special educational or neurodiverse needs, respite care for the elderly and help for those who have medical or health concerns.
Approaches will be dealt with in strict confidence via Fiona
or Emily (Clerk to SUC)
Please don’t assume that you, or someone you know, won’t qualify for help – each approach will be dealt with on an individual needs basis and with consideration of available funds.
(SUC is a registered charity. CR #: 237542)
Emily Loveday
Clerk to the Trustees:
Stinchcombe United Charities
Matthew Tyndall Educational Foundation
Maxwell Workman Trust