Footpaths & Rights of Way

Public rights of way
Public rights of way are open to everyone at any time. They give you the right to walk, ride a horse or cycle along certain routes. Some rights of way are open to vehicles. If you having a problem using a Stinchcombe right of way, such as an obstruction, poor maintenance or a misleading sign, please report it to the Parish Footpaths Warden or directly to the Gloucester Rights of way office.
The definitive map and statement is a legal record of the public rights of way. It shows the routes of each public footpath, bridleway, restricted byway and byway open to all traffic in the county. You can view the original map at Gloucestershire County Council Shire Hall during office hours (no need to book an appointment). You can also view it online at Gloucestershire Rights of Way.
New Footpaths Warden
Hello from John (aka Jack) Thomas. I am your new footpaths warden for Stinchcombe PC. Julie and I have lived on Wick lane in the village for 23 years. During lockdown I walked nearly all our footpaths, so when the call went out for a new warden, I thought it was time I made myself useful to the village.
Please feel free to contact me by email at mobile is 07841 279278 with any footpath issues you have. I am already aware of some, but it will take me some time to cover all 60 or so. I will in due course, but only with the land owners permission, be recruiting for the occasional work party, to clear blocked paths and repair stiles etc. I have two volunteers so far, but could do with a couple or so more. Please let me know if you are interested.
NOTICE There will be a restricted byway temporary closure of the byway Oldhill Lane, near the Rugby club, where it drops down the wooded steep banked track to Clinger Lane at the bottom of Taits Hill. It will be closed for about three weeks. There is a large fallen tree/trees now bridging the track. I know because I almost ran into one on horseback. The Public Rights of Way Officer will apply to legally close, temporarily, this byway, to allow contractors in to winch these precariously and dangerously positioned trees out of the restricted byway.
Kind regards