Richard Wright
Richard Wright
He was Lt Cdr RNJ Wright RN (born 1931), a Queen’s Messenger and author of two books, one on Chinese coins and another on the Chinese Steamship Navy. And the stepdad of Pip Farquharson for 45 years.
He started at St Edmunds School, Kesgrave, Ipswich (affectionately known as “Mrs Marshall’s” school) in Sept 1939. He actually writes in his diary, “Mrs Marshalls having been evacuated there from Ipswich” and seems he went to her school at Drakestone House from May 1940 for another year.

Exerts from Richard’s diaries whilst a pupil at Mrs Marshalls school housed at Drakestone House during the war in 1940.

Thanks to Pip Farquharson for supplying this information about his stepdad.