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Follies by Jonathan Holt

Mussenden Temple

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OR The Place of Architectural Follies and Garden Buildings in the History of Gloucestershire

Gloucestershire’s follies are amongst its greatest architectural delights. Some, are famous landmarks. Others an architectural ‘lucky dip’ that ranges from entire buildings to ‘curiosities’.

There are grottoes, obelisks, temples, shell gardens, fake forts, arches, pavilions – even a sham chapel. Virtually all are completely useless, and always were – which partly explains their appeal. Some owe their existence to fashion, others to the eccentricity of those who built them. Even today they remain a fascinating way of discovering the rich history of our past.

Talk by Jonathan Holt

Stinchcombe History Society would like to invite you to come and hear a Talk by Jonathan Holt on Friday 24th March at Stinchcombe Village Hall.

  • Friday 24th March @ 7.30pm
  • Cost £5.00
  • Includes a glass of wine and nibbles

About Jonathan Holt

Jonathan Holt has been writing on the intriguing subject of architectural follies for more than twenty-five years, having published works on Somerset, Dorset and Bristol & Gloucestershire. He is editor of Follies, the organ of the Folly Fellowship, a charity dedicated to their preservation and enjoyment, and organises trips and give talks on the subject.

Mussenden Temple (above)

Mussenden Temple is a small circular building located on cliffs near Castlerock in County Londonderry, high above the Atlantic Ocean on the north-western coast of Northern Ireland. My Mother’s ashes were scattered on the beach below.

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